January 19, 2021
Remote Locations
Members Present: Mr. DeMill, Mrs. Emily Decker, Ashley Anderson, Melinda Rosevear, Cherie Sadowski, Chelsea Morgan, Pat Passey, and Cathy Bruner (Achievement Coach)
Welcome – Ashley Anderson 7:50am
Approval of minutes from November 17, 2020, Motion: Cherie, 2nd: Pat -Passed
(No meeting was held in December, 2020)
Update on Land Trust Plan – Some planned professional development has been delayed because Covid precautions/requirements have been a higher priority. The plans included $1000 for teachers to secure a substitute if they wanted to take time to observe another teacher. QH Achievement Coach, Cathy Bruner, reported we now have a total of five intervention aides serving 90 children. Covid guidelines limit the small groups to three children with 15-30 minute sessions. Math aides are working directly with the teachers on daily assignments. Reading aides will begin Progress Monitoring shortly. The Acadience testing will begin math and reading assessments next week.
The TSSP (Teacher Student Success Plan) set a school climate social goal for classrooms. Mr. Lennox was hired to provide social emotional support for the general student population. Mr. Buerger, the psychologist, is assigned by the District to spend a significant amount of his time working with the ABS students in our building.
A summary of the final report of QH Land Trust Plan for 2019-2020 was presented by Mr. DeMill. It was noted that the report uses winter testing scores from January 2020, not year-end scores, because school was closed in mid March due to Covid. Reading scores were steady with some dips, math scores showed progress being made.
Coronavirus response needs were discussed. State guideline have changed to now inform parents if their child had mask to mask exposure to a student who tested positive. Parents can then determine whether or not to have their child quarantined and/or tested. The District has supplies including wipes, sanitizer, and masks available to the schools. Obtaining substitute teachers has been challenging at times. QH is making a list of substitutes willing and available to help this year.
Other Items: Valentines Day activities will be similar to Halloween. PTA will provide activities for classroom teachers to do. Kids should bring cards in advance of Valentines Day so they can “sit” untouched for a couple days. Wrapped treats may be included. Valentine boxes will be done in art class rather than brought from home. We want to be cautious, but as near “normal” as possible.
Additional discussion of our SNAP plan included the safety issue of children using the walkway from the baseball field to access the Cobblestone Way neighborhood. Melinda will develop a flyer to be given to students using that access. Melinda and Chelsea will monitor that exit which is particularly troublesome when school is dismissed. Shad will express our concerns to Sandy City. Melinda will approach the contractor requesting vehicles not block the sidewalk. Pat will meet with Shad to discuss further modifications of our current SNAP plan.
Motion to adjourn at 8:45am by Cherie, second Ashley. Passed