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Quail Hollow School Community Council

April 15, 2023

Conference Room of Quail Hollow

Members present: Joshua Allen, Mike Sax, Breanne Coccimiglio, Elysia Forsgren, Samantha Avery, Cherie Sadowski, Samantha Madej, Betsy Crowther, Liza Edgell and Shad DeMill.


Welcome: Sam Avery 7:54 am
Minutes from the last meeting are approved and available online.

The council reviewed the TSSP and LAND Trust Plan and had no modification or recommendations and council members signed the signature page to confirm approval. Mr.DeMill will submit the approval page this week.

There will be 3 seats open for election on the council this fall as Cherie, Sam Avery and Betsy have completed two-year terms. Elections will be held in the late summer to fill these positions.

The council will support a Fall/Back to school Wellness Night which will occur during the back to school night on the Thursday before school starts in the Fall. Mike Sax will help organize this Wellness event which will include a parent square refresher.

The council reviewed the current year’s LAND Trust plan, data, and expenditures. The council did not have any amendments. The carry over is expected to be 5%.

The recipients of the HERO award were given out during the school day in the cafeteria. Those who received the award included: Kevin Stewart, Nicholas Heinz and Shelby Hoefer. The staff enjoyed receiving the award with students presents where adults and children enjoyed the celebration. The last round of HERO award recipients will be selected and awarded in the last week of May. Breanne volunteered to take on management of the HERO awards and will receive advice and instructions from Cherie who has been managing it. This includes making certificates and collating comments submitted through the Google form as well as handwritten notes deposited in the HERO nomination box located in the main office.

The council will also support a parent Wellness night that will occur earlier in the school year to allow parents and students to use the lessons and support offered throughout the school year. The Wellness night will either occur on the evening of October 3rd or 10th.

The council reviewed agenda topics for the May meeting and determined no additional actions are needed. Sam Avery motioned to cancel the May 10th meeting, Cherie seconded, the motion was approved.

Motion to adjourn: Cherie, seconded by Breanne, approved at 8:35 am.

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