Happy Spring…I think!? I don’t know about you but it has been nice to have some sunshine here and there! The weather is certainly keeping us on our toes. I think we are all glad to have the sun and some warmth. And we will be seeing some rain this weekend…
First things first…COVID-19. You should have received an email from the district about this issue. I want to assure you that we have your kids best interest in mind. I am in constant contact with my district supervisor for any updated information on how we should proceed. I will keep you updated as I receive information regarding the virus.
Some of the things we are doing at QH to help spreading germs include: Encouraging kids to wash their hands often and reminding students to avoid touching their eyes, nose and mouth as much as possible. Our custodian has a special disinfecting tool that he uses to disinfect shared surfaces throughout the school, including classrooms, the cafeteria and other common areas. As you know, we respect the rights of parents to decide what is best for your children. As parents, you can make the final decisions regarding the health and well-being of your children. If your child is sick or has flu symptoms, they should stay home. As I get more updated information regarding how we should proceed, I will share it with you.
As we enter into the spring season and start moving towards the end of the year, I want to share a brief newsletter from our district Responsive Services Department with you about helping our students towards the end of the year.
Preparing for the End of the School Year
The sun is shining, the flowers are blooming, and spring fever is emerging. The end of the school year brings fun and excitement and can also bring stress and worry. Behavior changes are common in your students during the months of March, April, and May. Students may feel stressed about end-of-year testing and projects that are looming. They may worry about an unstructured summer and saying goodbye to friends. They may just be “burnt out”. You may notice your student being increasingly irritable, more emotional, change of eating/sleeping habits, erratic behavior, and/or withdrawal. These could be signs of extra stress and anxiety your student is experiencing. It is important to recognize these feelings and worries as well as provide validation and supports. The following list provides ways to support your student during these stressful times.
- Reinforce good sleeping habits. Students should get 8-10 hours of uninterrupted sleep. Remove technology from bedrooms. Turn off electronics at least one hour before bed time. Refrain from drinking caffeine within four hours before bed time.
- Support healthy eating habits. As big events arise (i.e. end-of-year tests), make sure students have eaten a healthy breakfast. Drink at least 64 oz. of water a day.
- Encourage students to finish strong and achieve goals.
- Help students stay organized. Use helpful apps and reminders for large events and projects.
- Urge students to participate in end-of-the-year activities to have fun and socialize.
- Talk with students about your summer plans and what they can expect for structure. Students, especially younger ones, thrive on schedules and predictability.
- Focus praise and encouragement on the hard work your student puts into their tasks rather than end results.
- Help students stay balanced. Provide opportunities for physical activity, positive social interactions, hobbies, and family time as well as academic and work time.
- Keep your expectations clear and consistent.
- Be willing and open to talk about worries and stress. Refrain from minimalizing your student feelings. Provide a listening ear and positive supports to help move through the stressful time.
- https://greenwoodjax.org/2017/05/08/end-near-not-yet-finish-school-year-strong/
- https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/the-race-good-health/201402/5-tips-helping-teens-cope-stress
Social/Emotional Learning: During the last few months of school, the lessons your child will be learning from our Social/Emotional curriculum is about “Problem Solving Steps.” They are learning the following acronym: STEP
S- Say the problem (without blame)
T- Think of solutions (safe & respectful)
E- Explore consequences (what could happen if…)
P- Pick the best solution (make your plan)
Learning Environment Forms: This is the time of year that we start thinking about next year’s classes. If you are interested in filling out an environmental request for your child, please see attached form. If you could get these in by the end of Spring Break (April 13th), it would be appreciated.
Kindergarten Enrollment: We are still trying to let any of our kindergarteners for next year know that it’s time to register for kindergarten. If you have a child who will be five years of age on or before September 1, 2021, your child qualifies for next year’s kindergarten program. If you know of a neighbor who has a qualifying kindergartner, please have them contact our office at 801-826-9175. It is crucial that we get an accurate count of how many students to expect for next year. Your help with this is greatly appreciated. We will be holding our Kindergarten Orientation was scheduled for March 25th. Due to the recent info about COVID-19, we will be postponing Kindergarten Orientation. More information will be sent at a later date.
Emergency Drills: For the month of March, a Hazardous Materials Drill was done with our staff as our monthly emergency drill. Students were not involved in this drill. The drill with staff consisted of a discussion on how to respond to a Hazmat situation. Next month’s drill will be an Earthquake Drill.
Upcoming Events at QH:
- Mar. 12th – School Community Council Meeting at 7:45am
- Mar. 16th – 20th – Media Safety Week
- Mar. 17th – 1st Grade Field Trip CANCELLED
- Mar. 17th – Family Classic Skate Night CANCELLED
- Mar. 18th – Spring Pictures
- Mar. 25th – Kindergarten Orientation Postponed
- April 2nd – School Community Council Meeting at 7:45am
- April 6th – 10th – Spring Recess
Thank you for all the support you provide and for sending your awesome students to QH!
Mr. DeMill